Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Log Cabin Quilt Block Tutorial

So, I'm really impressed by the contributions that Jacob and I got for our wedding quilt. I've heard that a few more are making their way toward us, as well. I'm pretty sure that I didn't post this tutorial on this blog and I want to, just in case any of you are interested. Like I said before, I couldn’t find one online that actually made sense to beginners, so I made one myself. Because it was there!

1. Start with a square of fabric. This one is about an inch and some change per side.
2. Cut a strip of fabric that has a height equal to the square and a width anywhere from 0.5 inches to 2 inches. Approximate. This is not a science.
3. Sew the strip to the east side of the square. (If there is no image on the square, put a pin in the top so that you’ll always know where north is.)
4. If the strip is actually a little bit longer than the square, that’s fine. (Better than too short.) Just trim off the edges once you’ve sewn the pieces together.
5. Press the seam away from the center. This will always be the rule. Press the seam away from the center.
6. Cut a strip that runs the length of the north side. (Remember, a little long is better than too short.) Again, it can be anywhere from 0.5 inches to 2 inches along the other dimension.CIMG1124
7. Sew it to the north side of your patch. Trim the excess once you’ve tied your knots.
8.Press the seam away from the center.CIMG1125
9. Cut a strip that is at least as long as the west side. (I keep using vague measurements since often these are made out of scraps.) CIMG1126
10. Sew the pieces together, trim the excess and press the seam away from the center. CIMG1127
11. Cut a strip that’s the length of the south side of your patch. (Are you sensing a pattern yet?) CIMG1128
12. At this point, you might want to use pins to hold the fabric together while you stitch if you are hand stitching. (Actually, you could do this at any point.) CIMG1129
13. Sew the pieces together, trim the excess and press the seams away from the center.CIMG1130
14. Repeat the process in a counter-clockwise (otherwise known as widdershins) manner.CIMG1131
15. When all sides measures at least your designated dimension, you are finished.
16. The back (with all the seams pressed away from the center) should look like this. CIMG1134
17. Trim the finished piece so that it is a perfect square of the appropriate dimension.

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